Kristyn Harris is twenty years old, she comes from McKinney, TX, and was the youngest singer ever to have won an Award from the Western Music Association. Last year, in fact, at only 19, she won the award as best Female Performer of the Year thanks to a voice, described by the American press “timeless” with “The Warmth and Power of Texas Sunshine”. Her albums, “Let Me Ride” from 2013 as well as the recent “Down The Trail”, are just like taking a journey through the past sounds of Western music, but above all the present and future, along with a voice, which could easily be defined as beautiful. Anyone thinking that Western music has seen it’s day, will inevitably have to rethink this through, after having listened to Kristyn. The music of the great prairies, of long horse rides and dusty boots, fortunately enough, is alive and kicking hard. The fact that Kristyn was destined for greatness was obvious, with the release of the Cd “Let Me Ride”.
A fresh sounding album, superbly arranged, opening with the classic “Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon” continuing with “What A Horse Has Gotta Do” (written by Kristyn herself), a song that displays her great talent as a songwriter. The Cd unwinds through 12 tracks where, western swing, yodels and ballads about the natural beauty of the West enchants the listeners and makes them dream. This also goes for the recent “Down The Trail”, even if the voice is more mature, the sounds are more full-bodied and the album acquires a greater intensity. The Cd opens with a great success by the Sons Of The Pioneers, “Down The Trail To San Antone”, but almost all the songs on the album are by this young and talented girl from Texas. “Mustang Waltz”, “Acres Of Nowhere”, “Diesel And Dust”, “Guitar Man” and “Yodelin’ Fever” are good songs and reveal an extraordinary artistic maturity. The Cd ends with “Down The Trail”, some evergreens like “When The Bloom Is On The Sage”, “Texas And You”, “Amazing Grace” and the entertaining “I’ve Been Everywhere (in Texas)” where Kristyn demonstrates her vocal talent. In conclusion, two albums, where the vocal harmonies flow between one song and the other, and tell us of an extraordinary world, where time goes by slowly, to the rhythm of the changing seasons and where certain values last forever. A world that only those who have breathed in the fresh air whilst riding a horse or have heard the call of a coyote on the prairie, can fully understand.(Gianluca Sitta)