In collaboration with the Voghera Country Festival, Jo Dee Messina replies to answers made by and Country Power Station in an exclusive interview prior to her concert in Voghera on the 24th June
First of all, welcome to our country on behalf of all those who love country music and especially love songs like “I’m Alright”, “Bye Bye” or “Heads Carolina, Tails California”. Q.The first question is an obvious one, but inevitable. What are your feelings towards playing in a country like Italy?
A. I’m excited. I have family in Italy. It’s a part of my heritage. I’ve been to Italy a few times and it is absolutely beautiful, but just know my Italian is not that good!
Q. In 1996, when your first album came out, many music critics, thought that the “sound” of the new country singers was “too modern” to be considered as “real” country music. Having said this,what do you think of the new names that are so popular today? If you had to choose three names, of young country singers you would recommend to a friend, who would you choose?
A. I really like Chris Stapleton and Zac Brown Band because they don’t feel the need to be like everyone else.
Q.. Do you still consider Nashville as the capital of country music, or, as some say now, is there only pop music?
A.I would still consider Nashville the Capital of Country Music because it is still the home of the business and creative aspects of country music.
Q. In your opinion, do you think it’s true to say that today, the only way to get noticed in the music business is by participating in a television talent show?
A. There are many ways to be “discovered.” The best thing to do is to sing whenever and wherever you can.
Q.Your last album “Me”, which I think is great, is a very particular album,for how it came to be as, well as what it represents, and in my view, one can see it as a point of arrival, but also a starting point. Is this the beginning of a new Jo Dee Messina, who has left behind her the past, looking ahead, maybe with the help of new technology, to the future? When can we expect a new album?
A.Technology is constantly changing and luckily I am able to change along with it. My new music will incorporate whatever current technology is necessary. We are working on a new project and will keep you updated.
Thank you very much Jo Dee Messina (Gianluca Sitta)