The country music world has been no stranger to the rain, be it the expression of a wish, a desire, desperation, sadness and even elation. To add to the extensive catalogue of the cathartic power of our pluvial pal is Charlotte Young, whom inspired by an episode of the show “One Tree Hill” brings us the ballad “Praying For Rain”. The character’s desire for the cleansing and purifying power to literally wash away her sadness and broken heart can be felt in every single note belted out by the Birmingham native and you could very much imagine this song being played over a sequence of your favourite tv show. The emotions of pain and sadness are palpable throughout the piece and the listeners will find themselves relating to the protagonist’s plight and hoping that there may be a rainbow following the deluge. Charlotte has constantly delighted us with her music and “Praying For Rain” acts as the perfect tease for Charlotte’s upcoming full length Ep. It cannot rain forever, but meantime, this writer will sit beside our heroine and take in every drop. (Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni)