Laura Dekker once wrote “At sea I feel comfortable and I come to rest”. This is exactly how the listener will feel when listening to “Sea Of Life”, the latest offering from Canadian country artist, Dwayne Ferris. As we climb aboard with “Black Gold Alberta Bound” we instantly know that we are in for a classic country treat. Dwayne offers open and spacious melodies with bittersweet vocals, a clear case of this is the title track in which life and the sea intertwine in a perfect heartfelt metaphor. From beautiful tributes to both his parents (“My Mother” and “Memories Of Dad”) , Dwayne also shows his humorous side with the fun loving summertime song, “All Inclusive”, guaranteed to bring a cheeky grin or two. Special mention has to be given to “18 Wheeler Fever”, which any fan of banjo driven songs will instantly fall in love with. It is no surprise that this album has not only been critically acclaimed, but has also been nominated and won numerous awards by the country community. All that is left to say is to raise the anchor and full speed ahead on the sea of life with captain Dwayne Ferris. Bon Voyage! (Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni)