Ladies and gentleman, the Michigan man is back and we couldn’t be happier. It is always hard to repeat oneself after a great success and in Alan Turner’s case after the incredibly popular and successful album “Renegade Road”, our hero certainly had his work cut out for him. Yet, just like the beautiful cover which graces “Captain Ron’s Lost Hacienda” the content is just as awesome and does exactly what the cover would imply. With this album, Alan mixes the modern country style for which he is known with more tropical numbers like the title track which would make Jimmy Buffett proud. Alan’s latest album contains a series of instant hits from “That’s Why They Make Beer” which does everything it is meant to do, a party anthem which any respectable establishment should add to their playlists. You then have “Let Go” in which Alan offers some wicked tongue in cheek humor over the toilet paper shortage in the US during the pandemic while at the same time offering inspiring words of making lemonade out of lemons.  All in all the renegade road continues without a hitch and Alan Turner continues to go from strength to strength in both his songwriting and his execution, we cannot wait to see what’s next and wish that we could make our way to Captain Ron’s lost hacienda and just forget our troubles with this album playing in the background. ( Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni)