Oltre 13 milioni di albuns venduti, 22 canzoni in testa alla top ten di Billboard, brani immortali come Paint Me At Birmingham, If The World Had A Front Porch e Texas Tornado fanno di Tracy Lawrence una delle leggende della moderna country music. Headlights, Taillights and Radios arriva dopo un lungo silenzio (ultimo cd The Singer del 2011) e ci mostra un artista in forma smagliante. 11 brani in perfetto Nashville style, interpretati con quella particolare intonazione che ha reso la voce di Tracy Lawrence una delle più riconoscibili ed apprezzate dell’intero panorama country. Il cd viaggia sicuramente su un buon livello ma ci sono brani che spiccano sugli altri. Mi riferisco a Saving Savannah, Good Girl, Where I Used To Live e Cecil’s Palace scelto, non a caso, come singolo trainante.
Over 13 million albums sold, 22 songs which have topped the Billboard top ten, immortal pieces such as Paint Me At Birmingham, If The World Had A Front Porch and Texas Tornado makes Tracy Lawrence one of the legends of modern country music. Headlights, Taillights and Radios comes after a long period of silence (last cd was The Singer in 2011) and shows us an artist in great shape. 11 tracks in perfect Nashville style, sung with that particular intonation that has made Tracy Lawrence’s voice one of the most recognizable and popular of the entire country scene. The CD is definitely of a high level, but there are songs that stand out over others. I am referring to Saving Savannah, Good Girl, Where I Used To Live and Cecil’s Palace, which I have chosen, not surprisingly, as the leading song