Esce il 12 Febbraio il quinto album in studio dei Florida Georgia Line intitolato Life Rolls On. “I think this personally is just a big, celebratory chapter,” spiega Hubbard. “We’ve come a long way since 2012 when we dropped our first album, it’s wild to think about the journey we’ve been on – the things we’ve got to do, the places music has taken us. We’re celebrating life and the good times, the ups and the downs, and the journey it took us to get where we’re at.” “It’s just evident within the music how good of a time we’re having,” aggiunge Kelley, “and how good of a place in life we are for sure”. Il cd include tutte le 6 canzoni dell E.P. 6-PACK più una serie di brani in pieno stile Florida. Prodotto da Corey Crowder, Tyler Hubbard e Brian Kelley.
1.“Long Live”
2. “Life Looks Good”
3. “Countryside”
4. “Always Gonna Love You”
5. “I Love My Country”
6. “Hard To Get To Heaven”
7. “Long Time Comin’”
8. “Interlude”
9. “Ain’t Worried Bout It (Album Version)”
10. “Beer:30”
11. “New Truck”
12. “Eyes Closed”
13. “Second Guessing (From Songland)”
14. “Good To Me”
15. “U.S. Stronger”
16. “Life Rolls On”