Craig Morgan con il nuovo album God, Family, Country rende omaggio al proprio passato e allo stesso tempo si proietta verso il futuro. Il cd, che uscirà il 22 maggio su Broken Bow Records, include infatti cinque nuove tracce e versioni rimasterizzate di alcune canzoni registrate negli ultimi anni, compreso il brano dedicato al figlio Jerry, “The Father, My Son, and the Holy Ghost”. “This album is based on everything that’s happened in my life and my career,” ha recentemente dichiarato Craig. “I feel like I have some of the most quality songs I’ve ever recorded, and there is a new energy here. After all I’ve been through, I’m at one of the most inspired places I’ve ever been.”
Track List:
- “The Father, My Son and The Holy Ghost” (Craig Morgan)
- “Soldier” (Gavin DeGraw)
- “Going Out Like This” (Craig Morgan, Michael Rogers, Korey Hunt, Sam Banks)
- “Whiskey” (Anthony Smith, Sarah Beth Terry)
- “Sippin’ On The Simple Life” (Craig Morgan, Michael Rogers, Justin Wright, Andrew Yocovone)
- “God, Family and Country” (Craig Morgan, Craig Morris, Lance McDaniel)
- “That’s What I Love About Sunday” (Adam Dorsey, Mark Narmore)
- “My Kind Of Woman” (Craig Morgan, Phil O’Donnell, Jason Sellers)
- “Almost Home” (Craig Morgan, Kerry Kurt Phillips)
- “Lotta Man (In That Little Boy)” (Craig Morgan, Phil O’Donnell, Tim Owens)