ASHLEY E. NORTON “Call Of The Void”

Molte sono le esperienze accumulate in questi anni dalla californiana Ashley E. Norton, tra le più interessanti cantanti country dell’ampio panorama indipendente statunitense, partendo dalla città di San Diego dove ha riscosso ottimi apprezzamenti come membro della band tutta al femminile denominata Lady Psychiatrist’s Booth. La sua natura ‘girovaga’ l’ha comunque fatta sperimentare diversi [...]

Kip Moore Navigates The Unknown In Relatable New Anthem “Learning As I Go”

Multi-platinum singer/songwriter Kip Moore released today his new song “Learning As I Go”, available everywhere through Virgin Music Group. Co-produced with Jaren Johnston, it’s the second new song Moore has unveiled in a matter of weeks, providing an early peek at his next chapter and hinting at more music to come. With an underdog spirit [...]

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